
常见问题-学院 & 工作人员空缺

有关就业机会的资料,可浏览 VCCS职业门户. 你必须首先创建一个在线申请才会被考虑. 申请过程有三个简单的步骤:

  1. 创建一个用户名和密码来设置您的帐户
  2. 创建在线应用程序
  3. 在网上申请一个具体的职位空缺

不接受简历代替申请. 申请必须通过在线申请系统完成. 学院不接受邮寄申请材料, 电子邮件, or fax unless specifically requested in the "Special Instructions to Applicants" section of the job posting. 当请求, 成绩单可以附在你的在线申请中, 传真, 或者直接邮寄给人力资源部

Please be patient during this review period as your application is very important to us! 由于这个过程是非常全面的, 这段时间的长短因位置而异, depending upon the size of the committee and the number of applications received for the position. 网站经常更新. Applicants that provided an 电子邮件 address on their application will be notified via 电子邮件 of the outcome of the search. You may also view the status of your application for all positions to which you have applied by accessing the system with your personal user name and password. 该系统可以从任何一台有互联网连接的计算机上全天候访问.

No. 你只能在职位空缺或被列为空缺的情况下申请.

Your online application information is located on a secure Web server and will only be available to the Human Resources Department and the applicable hiring committee for the specific job opening to which you apply. Your voluntary demographic information is only available to Human Resources and will be used for statistical and reporting purposes only. 您的个人信息有两种不同的保护方式:

  1. 申请站点有密码保护. 创建在线应用程序时, 系统将提示您提供个人用户名和密码. This information will grant only you access to view and edit your personal information.
  2.  http://jobs.vccs.edu/ 域名还持有SSL(安全套接字层)证书. This SSL certificate ensures that our registered domain name holds a secure socket layer of encryption. 的 SSL ensures that your personal data is submitted to the correct secure server and that your data is encrypted when sent over the Internet.

You will be asked to provide personal information such as name, address, phone number, etc. You will also be asked to provide information about your education and previous employment, 还有关于你的工作经历和推荐信的联系方式. 请在开始申请程序之前收集这些信息. 重要的是,您提供的信息是最新的和准确的. 它将被用来评估你的资格.

Be sure to read all of the instructions carefully so that you submit all of the attachments for the position. 当要求张贴时, 成绩单可以附在你的在线申请中, 传真, 或者直接邮寄给人力资源部. 在这些情况下, copies of transcripts are acceptable with the initial application; official transcripts will be required upon employment. If you plan to use the computers in Human Resources, please bring the requested documents with you. 因特网也可以用来检索文件.

是的. 例如, you can copy and paste the information from a Word or WordPerfect document directly into the appropriate fields in the application.

Files with the following extensions may be uploaded as an attachment to your application: .医生, .多克斯, .rtf, .pdf或 .文本文件。. 文件的大小必须小于2MB. If your document is not in one of these formats, you may copy and paste the content into a text box.

受保护的PDF文件可能无法上传. 要使用这些文档,必须将格式更改为另一种例外格式.

如果你需要帮助,从Mac转换文件到PC, 请阅读由国家教师培训学院制作的指南.

如果您不想此时完成申请, 请按本页底部的“取消”.

是的, 然而, you must first complete all of the required fields notated with a red asterisk (*) on the current page before that page of your application can be saved. As you move through the pages of your application profile, you must click SAVE CHANGES or SAVE & CONTINUE保存您输入的信息. 如果您的浏览器在您单击其中一个按钮之前关闭, 您在前几页的工作将被保存, 但是你会丢失你没有保存的最后一页的信息. You may return later and edit the application before applying your application to a specific position.

出于安全考虑, 如果你在60分钟内没有任何活动,这个系统就会自动注销你的账户.

在提交申请之前,您可以选择查看申请. 当您的应用程序在新的浏览器窗口中打开时, 使用计算机屏幕顶部的工具栏, click on File- Print or use the printer icon and follow the prompts on the screen to print your application. 您不需要将在线申请的副本发送到学院.

You can also print your application profile at any time by clicking the “Preview Application” button from the menu bar.

Your application has not been submitted to the College until you receive a system-generated confirmation number. This confirmation number is your receipt that you have successfully submitted your application. You can also view the status of your application at any time by logging in to the system and clicking the “Application Status" button.

You may view the status of your application at any time by logging in to the system and clicking the "Your Applications" button. 在这一页, you can also view the application and the documents that you submitted for a particular posting.

您只能编辑尚未提交的申请. Go to “Your Applications” and click the "Edit" button for the application you want to edit. Keep in mind that Human Resources will not be able to update your application to jobs to which you have already applied.


  • 检索您的用户名, you must supply the 电子邮件 address as it appears on your application profile to retrieve all usernames associated with that 电子邮件 address.
  • 找回你的密码, you must supply the username to retrieve the security question you selected when you created your application.

Please do not use your browser's "Back", "Forward" or "Refresh" buttons to navigate the site. This may cause unexpected results, including loss of data or being logged out of the system. 请始终使用网站内的导航按钮.

  • Ensure that you are accessing the applicant tracking system using a supported browser.
  • 推荐的浏览器:
    • Internet 探索r 6.0及以上版本适用于Windows XP和Windows 2000
    • Mozilla Firefox 1.5及以上版本,适用于Windows XP、Windows 2000和Mac OS X
    • 没有已知问题但未进行常规测试的浏览器:
      • Internet 探索r 5.Windows XP和Windows 2000为5
      • Internet 探索r 5.0适用于Windows XP、Windows 2000和Mac OS X/9/8
      • Mozilla Firefox 1.Linux和Unix为5
      • Netscape Navigator 7.0适用于Windows XP、Windows 2000和Mac OS X/9
      • 苹果Safari 1.2适用于Windows XP、Windows 2000和Mac OS
    • 不推荐使用的浏览器: 
      • 歌剧
      • 美国在线
      • 网络电视机

不确定当前使用的浏览器版本? 转到工具栏, 点击帮助, 然后点击“关于”链接, 例如“关于Internet 探索r”或“关于Mozilla Firefox”.这时会弹出一个窗口,显示你正在使用的版本.

  • 参考本FAQ中的其他问题,看看您的问题是否得到了解决.

按“Ctrl + F”可以打开某项搜索功能.

If you are receiving a message that one or more sections have not been completed please review your application to ensure all areas have been completed. 一些常见的错误包括:

  • 经验:您必须为每个职位选择月/日/年. 使用提供的日历可以帮助缓解这个问题.
  • 犯罪历史:犯罪历史部分的信息必须填写. 如果这些区域不适用于您,只需在适当的字段中填写“N/A”.
  • 推荐信:欧洲杯投注app的每个职位都需要3封推荐信. 如果您没有确定三个,则该部分将被列为不完整.

提交按钮只会在申请完成后出现. 如果没有出现,请检查错误并填写缺失的信息.